Creative direction and brand development

I’m a seasoned creative director and copywriter with a passion for brand development, SEO, and capturing the authentic voice of founders in flexible marketing materials.

Based in Raleigh, NC, I specialize in helping consumer brands and B2B clients connect with their audiences on a personal level, bringing companies to life in a human and relatable way.

Key Projects

  • Brand Development: From concept to execution, I’ve developed and refined brand identities that resonate deeply with target audiences.
  • SEO and Local SEO: Boosting visibility for businesses in the Raleigh, NC area through strategic search engine optimization practices.
  • Creative Writing: Crafting compelling copy that tells a story and captures the essence of each brand.


  • Consumer Brands: Helping everyday products and services stand out in a crowded market.
  • B2B: Developing professional, effective communication strategies for business-to-business interactions.

My Unique Strengths

  • Creative Writing: My ability to craft engaging and persuasive content sets me apart. I ensure that every piece of copy not only informs but also inspires and connects emotionally with the audience.
  • Brand Development: I excel at creating cohesive brand identities that reflect the core values and vision of the founders, making their companies relatable and memorable.


My approach to creative work is centered around making genuine connections with consumers, ensuring that every piece of content feels personal and authentic. My goal is to bring your company to life in a way that resonates deeply with your audience, fostering loyalty and trust.